Naše predávané značky Webová stránka značky: DAB


Water Technology

For over 40 years, DAB has been a main player in the sector of the technologies for the movement and management of our most precious resource, water.

DAB offers technological solutions capable of ensuring reliability and efficiency, and to optimise energy consumption in residential building service, commercial building service, agricultural and irrigation applications.

DAB puts people at the centre of every action, strategy and development plan.

For this reason, for DAB innovation means continuously identifying simpler installation, use and maintenance solutions for its products.



DAB produces reliable products, technically advanced, easy to install and efficient, ensuring high energy savings in the following domestic and residential application sectors: heating and air conditioning, water supply and pressurisation, irrigation and gardening, use of rain water, draining, collection and disposal of waste water, circulation and filtration of swimming pool water.



DAB develops technologically advanced solutions, highly efficient and reliable, for many commercial application sectors: from heating and air conditioning circulation systems, to water supply and fire-fighting system pressurisation, to the disposal of waste water.



DAB offers pumping solutions for the extraction of water from the subsoil for agricultural and irrigation purposes. High quality submersible pumps and motors, reliable and capable of guaranteeing high energy efficiency. A wide range to meet the needs of any types of systems, up to industrial and aqueduct applications.





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