KE 80/400 T Odstredivé čerpadlo pre tlakové systémy s MCE110/P DAB.KE
Kód: 60167385Súvisiaci tovar
Podrobný popis
Odstredivé čerpadlá s dvomi obežnými kolesami vhodné pre posilnenie tlaku v domácich, občianskych priemyselných a poľnohospodárskych systémoch. Hlavne vďaka všestrannému použitiu MCE/P meniča, ktorý zaručuje automatické nastavenie výkonu čerpadla pre rôzne požiadavky systému, pri zachovaní konštantného tlaku. Tlakové čidlo je vrátane dodávky. Telo čerpadla a podpera motora sú z liatiny. Obežné koleso z technopolyméru. Mechanická upchávka uhlík/ keramika. Asynchrónny motor chladený vonkajšou ventiláciou.
- Prevádzkový rozsah: od 2 do 30 m3 /h s výtlakom až do 95 metrov
- Rozsah teploty kvapaliny : od - 10 °C do + 50 °C: pre verzie KE 35/40, KE 45/50, KE 55/100; od - 15 °C až do + 110 °C: pre KE 55/50, KE 66/100, KE 90/100, KE 70/300, KE 80/300, KE 70/400, KE 80/400
- Čerpaná kvapalina: čistá, bez pevných a abrazívnych látok, neagresívna, neviskózna, nekryštalizujúca, chemicky neutrálna, vlastnosťami blízka vode
- Inštalácia: zvyčajne horizontálna alebo vertikálna za predpokladu, že je motor vždy nad čerpadlom
- Maximálna teplota okolia: + 40 °C
- Maximálny pracovný tlak: KE 35/40: 6 bar (600 kPa) KE 45/50, KE 55/50: 8 bar (800 kPa) KE 55/100, KE 66/100: 10 bar (1000 kPa) KE 90/100, KE 70/300, KE 80/300 KE 70/400, KE 80/400: 12 bar (1200 kPa)
- Stupeň krytia motora: IP44
- Stupeň krytia svorkovnice: IP55
- Trieda izolácie: F
Dodatočné parametre
Kategória: | DAB.KE - čerpadlá pre tlakové systémy |
Posledná aktuálizacia ceny: | 25.11.2024 20:58:29 |
Buďte prvý, kto napíše príspevok k tejto položke.
Buďte prvý, kto napíše príspevok k tejto položke.
IVAR designs, develops and manufactures highly energy-efficient heating and plumbing systems. We have over 10,000 catalogue items - mass-produced products and unique items - in addition to customised systems and combinations of complex products. And it’s all “Made in Italy”.
To make life easier for our clients, our clients' customers and our employees, thanks to our ability to be constantly innovative.
To design and manufacture advanced hydronic solutions that reduce installation complexity and energy consumption.
“Made in Italy” adds value
IVAR has been producing heating and plumbing system components since 1985: valves for heating bodies, direct heat metering modules, heat cost allocators, pipes and fittings, substations for heating systems, distribution manifolds, radiant panel systems, and components for solar and geothermal systems. And it’s all “Made in Italy”.
Over 200 people are employed at our manufacturing facilities in Prevalle (in northern Italy’s Brescia province). The site has been designed to streamline our many production and operational stages.
The Italian headquarters also acts as a hub for the wider IVAR Group, set up with the goal of distributing products beyond Italy’s borders. The group now has 11 branches, in Australia, Belgium, China, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, the United States and Tunisia.
Know How
Research, development and numerous laboratory tests guarantee that our clients’ requests can be translated into new high-efficiency products.
The stages required for production take place internally, beginning with hot forming, which is carried out at our subsidiary Valmon Stampati. Our continuous implementation of projects under the Industry 4.0 initiative also allows us to take full advantage of new releases in technology and IT to improve our manufacturing efficiency.
As a company, IVAR is constantly evolving. Every day, we invest in strengthening our products, in improving our production processes and in attaining new patents and certifications.