2 426,40 € –19 %

Viessmann Vitodens 100-W, 19 kW, TÚV

Code: Z020630
Brand: Viessmann
2 426,40 € –19 % 1 958,16 € / pcs
1 týždeň

Detailed information

Product detailed description

Viessmann Vitodens 100-W (combi)
- wall-mounted condensing combi boiler with instantaneous TV heating
- with burner MatriX, heat exchanger Inox-Radial
- power:3.2 - 19 kW
The Vitodens 100-W Vitodens 100-W (combi) gas-fired condensing boiler is ideally suited for apartments or houses. It can be easily mounted on the wall in the corners of bathrooms or also chambers. The Vitodens 100-W (combi) also finds its place above the work area, washing machine or tumble dryer. For someone who cares about economy and durability, only stainless steel as a material is an option. That's why the Vitodens 100-W (combi) boiler is also equipped with an Inox-Radial heating surface made of stainless steel, which offers the necessary reliability and guarantees a consistently high degree of combustion heat utilisation.

Features of the VITODENS 100-W (combi)

MatriX-Plus burner

The MatriX-Plus burner scores points above all for its efficient operation as well as its low pollutant and noise emissions. The special MatriX stainless steel surface is resistant to high temperatures and ensures reliable performance and a long service life.
Another technical innovation from Viessmann is the Lambda Pro fully automatic combustion control. It adapts itself to all types of gases and every flue gas system. This ensures clean and efficient combustion. It also includes self-adaptation of the flue gas extraction.
Stainless Steel Inox-Radial Heat Exchanger: Efficient with long life
The rust is always in stainless steel. The corrosion-resistant Inox-Radial stainless steel heat exchanger is at the heart of the Vitodens 100-W (combi). It converts the input energy into heat particularly efficiently. Virtually lossless, with an efficiency level of 98 percent that can hardly be surpassed. And this together with the safety of high-quality stainless steel with an extremely long service life.
1. MatriX-Plus burner with Lambda Pro Plus combustion control
2.Inox-Radial heat exchanger
3. 3.5-inch 7-segment display with touch button controls
4. Internet Inside
5. High Efficiency Pump
6. Expansion tank (8 liters)
3.5-inch 7-segment touchscreen display of the new electronic platform features very simple and easy-to-understand operation and an understated Blackpanel design. It allows very comfortable setting of heating devices with direct and/or mixed heating circuits.
The Vitodens wall-mounted gas condensing boilers with the new electronic platform have an integrated WiFi interface. This allows direct connection to the internet as required. Through the ViCare app, the operation of the heating system is quite simple and intuitive. It creates a link to the digital service and is in direct contact with a local expert partner.
ViCare uses the GPS function of the mobile phone on demand and so detects the distance to the heater. If the set distance is exceeded, the room temperature is automatically reduced. You can also add a ViCare thermostat to the system to enjoy even greater comfort and efficiency.
The app offers the following features:
● You have a real-time overview of the status of the entire system.
● Move your finger to select the desired room temperature.
● Set the desired hot water temperature.
● With the heating time assistant, you can set the switching times for heating and hot water in several steps.
● Display of the current outdoor temperature.
● Display the temperature history for the last few days.
The ViCare app gives you an overview of the current operating status of your heating system. This gives you security and makes everything more predictable for you. This allows you to program different switching times for each day according to your needs.
In addition, you can select normal or party-mode in the app. Party-mode can extend your heating time when you have a longer party with guests and want to keep warm for longer. There is also a rquick-select savings mode. It lowers the temperature when you are out of the house. Not to mention a one-time charge of hot water if you want to take a long bath.
Normal and party-mode is available for users with both Android and Apple devices. Be aware that your heating system control must support this feature.
Current equipment status and direct connection to an experienced expert
In addition, the ViCare app offers automated reports with an up-to-date description of the status of your device. This way you can identify early on if there is a problem or if everything is fine. Similarly, via the ViCare app you have a direct line to an expert partner as soon as a message appears on the heating device.
Possible error messages are easily recognizable. Because the ViCare app works via a traffic light system:
● Green: Everything is OK.
● Yellow: Maintenance is required.
● Red: A problem has occurred.
If the field is red, you will automatically see the contact details of the expert partner. For this function, you only need to select the details of the selected expert partner and save them in the application. Another option is to connect the expert partner directly to the heating system. This requires a service authorisation. You can do this with just two clicks. This allows the expert partner to detect faults early and possibly even repair them remotely or come to you with the right spare parts.
Installing ViCare
Installing the ViCare app is easier than you think.
The following assumptions hold:
● Internet connection (time and volume independent data plan).
● Smartphones with Apple iOS or Google Android operating system (the current version must be downloaded from the respective store).
● Viessmann Vitoconnect 100 internet interface, type OPTO 1.
● Viessmann gas appliances installed since 2004, heat pumps installed since 2010 and solid fuel heating appliances installed since 2016. Please contact your authorised specialist partner for precise compatibility information.
Once the ViCare system is installed and released, the expert partner of your choice will be able to supervise your system using the Vitoguide app.
You can also expand the system with a ViCare digital thermostat and enjoy even more comfort and efficiency.
Note: Thermostat not included, can be ordered.
  • Extremely attractive price/performance ratio
  • Long-lasting and efficient thanks to the Inox-Radial stainless steel heat exchanger
  • MatriX-Plus burner with Lambda Pro combustion control for consistently high efficiency and low emission values
  • Easy and intuitive operation via 3.5-inch 7-segment display and touch buttons, and also alternatively via mobile terminal
  • Internet connectivity via integrated WiFi interface for operation and service via Viessmann apps
  • Certified for 20% hydrogen content in natural gas


Nominal heat output Vitodens 100-W (combi)
50/30 °C (kW) 3.2 - 19.0
80/60 °C (kW) 2.9 - 17.5
length (mm) 360
Width (mm) 400
Height (mm) 700
Weight (kg) 33
Flue connection (Ø mm) 60
Supply air connection (Ø mm) 100
Potable water heating output (kW) 27.3
Energy efficiency class A

Additional parameters

Category: Viessman
Warranty: 2 years
Weight: 40 kg
Bezpečnostný termostat: áno
Dodávané príslušenstvo: elektrický kábel, sifón, návod, záručný list
Elektronické zapaľovanie: áno
? Expanzná nádoba: 8 l
Hmotnosť prázdneho kotla (cca): 33 kg
Horný výkon kotla: 19 kW
Krajina pôvodu: EU
Možnosť pripojenia bezdrôtového termostatu: áno
Nastaviteľný rozsah teploty VV: 35 - 60 °C
Palivo: zemný plyn / skvapalnený plyn / 20% vodíková zmes
Prevedenie komína: TURBO
Priebeh zmeny výkonu: modulovaný
Pripojenie el. napätia: 230V
Prípojka TUV: 1/2"
Prípojka vody: 3/4"
Rozmery: 700 x 400 x 360 mm
Spodný výkon kotla: 3,2 kW
Spustenie kotla: servisným technikom VIESSMANN
Určenie kotla: s prietokovým ohrevom vody
Vhodný pre podlahové kúrenie: áno
Výkon pri tepl. spáde 50/30 °C: 3,2 - 19,0 kW
Výkon pri tepl. spáde 80/60 °C: 2,9 - 17,5 KW
Výkon TUV: 27,3 kW
Výkon kotla na vykurovanie: vysoký výkon nad 16 kW
Výrobca: Viessmann

Podobné tovary

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M Avatar of author | 03/07/2022
Cena,kvalita,rýchlosť dodanie všetko nadmieru spokojny aj s komunikáciou s predajcom, určite odporúčam aj ostatným a chválim


Do not fill out this field:
I Avatar of author 19/02/2022
Dobry den prosim Vas mam vstavanu mikrovlnu ruru značky Karma Vyhadzuje nejaku poruchu, sama od seba sa zapína a pípa.Viete mi prosim poslať návod na obsluhu, ja uz ho nemám. dakujem
Dobrý deň, mrzí ma to, ale u nás tento tovar nemáme dostupný. Pekný deň.
E Avatar of author 07/12/2021
Zdravim vás mal by som záujem o plynový kotol aj s prietokom na teplú vodu a kúrenie
Dobrý deň, skúste si pozrieť našu ponuku: https://www.atria.sk/vykurovacia-technika/kondenzacne-kotly/s-prietokom-ohrevom-tuv/bosch-junkers/ Pekný deň.
Zobraziť viac

O spoločnosti

Viessmann Group je jedným z medzinárodných výrobcov vykurovacích, priemyselných a chladiacich systémov. Táto rodinná firma založená v roku 1917 zamestnáva 12 300 pracovníkov a obrat skupiny dosahuje 2,65 miliardy Eur.

S 22 výrobnými závodmi v 12 krajinách, 68 zastúpeniami v 31 krajinách, ako aj 120 predajnými spoločnosťami, je Viessmann zameraný skutočne medzinárodne. 56 % obratu pripadá na zahraničie. 

Kompletná ponuka firmy Viessmann

Kompletná ponuka firmy Viessmann zahŕňa individuálne riešenia s efektívne pracujúcimi systémami a výkonmi do 1,5 do 120 000 kW pre všetky aplikačné oblasti a všetky zemi. Patria sem nástenné kondenzačné jednotky s výkonom 1,9 až 150 kW a stacionárne kondenzačné systémy 1,9 až 6. 000 kW ako aj blokové kogeneračné jednotky (BKJ) od 1,0 do 530 kWel resp. od 5,3 do 660 kWth. Blokové kogeneračné jednotky (BKJ) sú stavané na zemný plyn/bioplyn.

Ponuka regeneratívnych energetických systémov zahŕňa tepelné solárne zariadenia s plochými kolektormi a kolektormi s vákuovým rúrkami na ohrev pitnej vody, podporu vykurovania a solárne chladenie budovy, špeciálne vykurovacie kotly a spaľovacie zariadenia od 4 kW do 50 MW na pelety, tepelné čerpadlá s výkonom 1,7 až 2 000 kW na využívanie tepla zo zeme, spodnej vody ako aj okolitého vzduchu, či fotovoltaické systémy.

Aj pre siete diaľkového vykurovania a bioenergetické obce ponúka Viessmann všetko z jednej ruky – od prvej štúdie realizovateľnosti a plánovacích podkladov, cez dodanie všetkých potrebných komponentov ako sú bioplynové systémy, zdroje tepla, blokové kogeneračné jednotky, zemné vedenia tepla a bytové odovzdávacie stanice, až po stavbu a sprevádzkovanie.

S rozsiahlym sortimentom teplotne riadených miestností, výkonnýchi chladiacimi boxami a agregátmi,chladiacimii riešeniami pre potravinársky maloobchod ako aj príslušenstvo a služby – pokrýva skupina Viessmann aj oblasť chladu.

Trvalá udržateľnosť

Ako rodinný podnik kladie Viessmann mimoriadny dôraz na zodpovedné a dlhodobo orientované konanie, ako aj trvalú udržateľnosť. Preto je aj trvalá udržateľnosť pevne zakotvená v zása - dách fi rmy. Vo všetkých procesoch dbáme na to, aby sme vzájomne zladili ekonomiku, ekológiu a sociálnu či spoločenskú zodpovednosť.

Viessmann patrí k popredným medzinárodným výrobcom inteligentných, komfortných a účinných systémov pre výrobu tepla, klimatizácií, vetrania a chladenia či decentrálnu výrobu elektriny. Naše systémy tvoria základ komfortu, blahobytu a silného priemyslu. Na základe doterajších úspechov sme si vytýčili ambiciózne ciele. Viessmann bude aj v budúcnosti udávať krok, tvoriť technické míľniky a neustále posúvať hranice možného.