Sada prepojovacích kolien - pre CerapurSmart
Code: 7719003263Product detailed description
Set of connecting elbows between the boiler and the mounting plate for CerpaurSmart boilers with marking No. 1215
Hello, 1) is the "Junkers Interconnecting Elbow Kit" necessary and suitable for the Junkers Cerapur Compact ZSB 14-1 DE boiler - or does the boiler in question have isolation valves built in (or are they included) ? What is the reason for talking about "elbows" - as only straight pieces are shown in the picture ? And why are there only 4 valves in the picture even though the boiler has 5 outlets on which the isolation valves need to be installed (if they are not there from the factory) ? 2) I could not find the values of hydraulic resistances (zeta) of the PEX-Al-PEX screwed couplings from your range. If you don't have them available, can you possibly reveal to me the name of the manufacturer ? (I know that "experts" do not lack such data - but I am a layman and an amateur ;) thank you, Milan Horniak
Hello. 1) The correct mounting plate and accessories you need can be found here As for the pictures next to the products, they are often just illustrative. 2) The PEX-AL-PEX screwed heating couplings are included in the offer as they are for heating. However, I can't tell you the values of the hydraulic resistances and I'm sorry, I can't even verify this. Have a nice day.
Hello, thank you for the reply - however, I still don't understand if I need to order those taps or if they are already there and I don't understand why I need a mounting plate at all ? I should point out that I have seen a number of boilers from other manufacturers (namely Attack , Ferroli, Geminox, Buderus) and - as far as I know - none of them required any "mounting plate" and the isolation valves were either part of the design or at least it was clear that they had to be added externally. thank you for your understanding.
Hello. You basically don't need the board. It just serves as a tool for the installers who are going to make it. It allows you to prepare the wiring ahead of time according to this board and then just fire up the boiler. This plate is already fitted with valves. Otherwise you don't need it at all. Have a nice day
Hello, for the product in question "Mounting Plate + Accessories" you have listed Junkers catalogue numbers: 7 719 000 660 and 7 736 900 922. According to the material "Project documents for Junkers Cerapur Compact boilers [EN]" - chapter 8.1 " Inštalační příslušenství" the code is indeed 7 736 900 922 ("prop. pipe between Cerapur Compact boiler and rail No. 258, 869, 415 ...") - that is No.492 - correct, but "Mounting connection rail for natural gas with shut-off valves" - Accessory No. 869 has the catalogue number 7 719 002 091 (or the whole Set No. 869 + Connection has the catalogue number 7 738 502 410). In addition, the mounting plate No. 258 with catalog number 7 719 000 660 is not included here at all :( This plate is not even interesting for me, because according to the photos from the Internet it does not contain ANY valves ... Therefore, I kindly ask you to let me know if it is possible to order the above mentioned set no. 7 7 738 502 410 (or 7 7 719 002 091 + 7 736 900 922) and what would be its price (including VAT).
Hello. As I said before, the photos are illustrative. The necessary valves and plate are included in the product , "Mounting plate + connection accessories" Only this set can be purchased from us. Have a nice day.
Hello, I appreciate your helpfulness and thank you for your prompt replies, but unfortunately your information is diametrically opposed to the official Junkers information: - pages 99 to 101 - chap: "8 Installation accessories", as well as with photographs from various internet sources. On the other hand, it is becoming clear to me that these accessories are clearly unnecessary, probably ill-thought out and obviously overpriced - so maybe I'm the only one who is worried :) Kind regards MH
Additional parameters
Category: | Príslušenstvo |
Warranty: | 2 years |
Weight: | 1.03 kg |
Rozmery: | 380 x 244 x 90 mm |
Brutto váha: | 1,05 kg |
Netto váha: | 1,03 kg |
EAN: | 4010009200314 |
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