Protherm - SET - MiGo Select controller + MiGo Link gate
Code: 0020303444Related products
Product detailed description
Protherm - SET - MiGo Select controller + MiGo Link gate
- room controller for remote control via the Internet via a mobile application - a MiGo Link Internet gateway and a Wi-Fi connection are required
-Remote control of the boiler has never been easier. The MiGo Select intelligent controller makes this possible. Heating and hot water preparation can be precisely, simply and flexibly controlled via a smartphone or tablet. The connection to the Internet is realized via the Internet module MiGo Link, which you will receive together with the controller.
- Thanks to the regulator and the application, heating and hot water are always within reach, even when you are not at home. Your home is always at the perfect temperature, but only when you really need it.
- Are your plans changing at the last minute? Even then, MiGo Select proves its usefulness: thanks to the activation of the "Away" mode, you can quickly and easily adjust the programming. Just state when you expect to return home and MiGo Select will send a signal to the boiler in time to raise the temperature in the house according to the program.
Your personal heating assistant:
- Heating and hot water preparation can be accurately, easily and flexibly controlled remotely via a smartphone or tablet
- Setting the temperature in the room with a rotary knob
- Displaying the current temperature in the room on the display
- Measurement of humidity in the room - humidity value visible in the application
- The application is available for both Android and iOS
- Simple wireless installation
- The regulator can be placed on the wall or vertically on a shelf
- Compatible with all new boilers we launch and many other Protherm boilers with eBUS connection.
- The MiGo Select controller does not guarantee full compatibility with boilers with the eBUS bus manufactured before 2015, and the full functionality of all functions of the controller when connected to such boilers is not guaranteed.
- The MiGo Link application for the MiGo Select smart controller is available for devices with access to the App Store and Google Play.
Additional parameters
Category: | regulácie Protherm |
Warranty: | 2 years |
Prevedenie termostatu: | bezdratovy |
Výrobca: | Protherm |
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O spoločnosti
Spoločnosť Protherm Production patrí do koncernu Vaillant Group a je výrobcom vykurovacej techniky pre mnohé krajiny Európy, Ázie i Afriky. Pre slovenský trh produkuje kotly značiek Vaillant a Protherm. Protherm Production nie je len výrobným závodom. Jeho súčasťou je aj najmodernejšie vývojové centrum, testovacie centrum a distribučno-logistické centrum pre strednú a východnú Európu.
Začiatky spoločnosti siahajú do roku 1991, kedy pôsobila ako predajca vykurovacej techniky v Prahe. Výroba v Skalici bola spustená najprv v spoločnosti Didaktik, odkiaľ bola v roku 1999 presťahovaná do priestorov súčasného závodu. Od roku 2001 sa stala súčasťou nemeckého koncernu Vaillant Group.
Tri slovenské subjekty: Koncern Vaillant Group na Slovensku zamestnáva viac ako 1 800 ľudí. Okrem závodu v Skalici mu patrí aj spoločnosť Vaillant Industrial Slovakia v Trenčianskych Stankovciach, vyrábajúca hydromoduly a rúrky. Predajnou organizáciou pre slovenský trh je spoločnosť Vaillant Group Slovakia, ktorá zabezpečuje i ďalšiu starostlivosť o zákazníka a servis ponúkaných výrobkov.
Koncern Vaillant Group má vyše 140-ročnú históriu a na konte viac ako 2 000 patentov. Je lídrom a priekopníkom v oblasti vykurovacích technológií v Európe. Vo svete má 10 výrobných závodov (osem v Európe, po jednom v Turecku i v Číne) a viac než 12 000 zamestnancov. Vyrába zariadenia značiek Vaillant, Protherm, Saunier Duval, Bulex, AWB, DemirDöküm, Glow-Worm a Hermann.