Product detailed description
+ Protherm Lev 25 KKZ 90 - condensing gas stationary boiler with connection set
+ MiGo - smart controller (boiler control via wifi connection by smartphone application)
& nbsp;
- condensing gas stationary boiler
- with connection set
- power: & nbsp; 5 , 2 - 25 kW
- Higher solar gain
- Also suitable for environments with high outdoor temperatures - trouble-free start
- Longer service life due to less thermal stress
- Access to all components and connection points from the front of the boiler
- Easy access to electrical connections
- Easy connection of the boiler to the heating system
- Possibility of dividing the boiler into two parts for easier handling
- Latest condensing technology
- Energy savings (lower gas consumption due to combustion control used and lower electricity consumption due to the use of a high-efficiency HEP pump)
- Increased combustion efficiency (utilization rate at a temperature gradient of 40/30 ° C is up to 109%)
- Increased hot water output (values of up to 230 liters of water heated by 35 ° C in 11 minutes)
- Very low standby power consumption
- Solar drainback technology
- Meets ErP (European Energy Efficiency Directive) requirements
- Stacked storage tank technology allows instant hot water collection
- Saves space in the house
- Scale-resistant container
- Extremely long service life
- Attractive and practical design
Shifting-load principle íka
< td style = "text-align: center; width: 158.266px; "> IPX4D < td style = "text-align: center; width: 158.266px; ">Lev 25 KKZ 90 | |
Heating | |
Energy class for heating | A |
80/60 ° C gradient & nbsp; | 5.2 - 25 kW |
Power at 50 ° C gradient / 30 ° C | 5.9 - 27 kW |
Power consumption min./max. | 5.5 / 25.5 kW |
Factory setting for heating output < / td> | 15 kW |
Efficiency at a gradient of 80/60 ° C | 98% |
Standard utilization rate at 40/30 ° C | 109% |
Temperature setting range & nbsp; VV & nbsp; | 30 - 80 & nbsp; ° C |
Factory setting max. VV temperature | 70 ° C |
50/30 ° C condensate rate < / td> | 2.87 l / h |
Maximum VV circuit pressure | 300 kPA |
VV expansion vessel | 12 l |
Maximum gas consumption G 20 (natural gas ) when heating | 2.7 m3 / h |
Max. gas consumption G 31 (propane) for heating | 1.98 kg / h |
Hot water heating | |
Power consumption max. when preparing TV | 30.6 kW |
Max. power when preparing TV | 30 kW |
TV temperature setting range | 38 - 65 ° C |
Max. TV circuit pressure | 1 MPa |
Nominal TV flow (at 30T 30) | 27.1 l / min |
Continuous TV flow (at ΔT30) < / td> | 14.4 l / min |
Tank volume | 89 l |
Tank heat loss in 24 hours | 1.38 kWh / 24 h |
Expansion vessel - optional | 4 l |
ErP Class | A |
Electrical parameters | |
Voltage / Frequency | 230 V / 50 Hz |
Standby power consumption | 2.1 W |
Electrical protection [IP] | |
Dimensions | |
Dimensions (width / height / depth) & nbsp; | 1 320/600/693 mm |
Weight (empty / full tray) | 105/199 kg |
PROTHERM MiGo - spatial smart controller & nbsp;
With the MiGo controller, you can easily control your heating and hot water from anywhere using the app on your smartphone or tablet. What do you get? More convenience, lower energy costs and the ability to set the desired room temperature remotely.
MiGo | |
Smartphone access | Anytime, anywhere > |
Temperature setting | Yes |
Heating program | Yes |
Temperature setting water | Yes |
Increasing / decreasing water temperature | Yes |
Absence | Yes |
Boiler modulation | Exclusively designed system |
Energy monitoring | Gas and Electricity |
Information on non-standard operating conditions | Boiler failure, lost internet connection |
Connections | Wifi / Radio / Bluetooth |
Installation | On the wall / on the table |
Dimensions < / b> | height x width x depth (in mm) |
Regulator | 83 x 105 x 26 |
Receiver | 83 x 83 x 26 |
Additional parameters
Category: | Protherm |
Warranty: | 2 years |
Weight: | 150 kg |
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O spoločnosti
Spoločnosť Protherm Production patrí do koncernu Vaillant Group a je výrobcom vykurovacej techniky pre mnohé krajiny Európy, Ázie i Afriky. Pre slovenský trh produkuje kotly značiek Vaillant a Protherm. Protherm Production nie je len výrobným závodom. Jeho súčasťou je aj najmodernejšie vývojové centrum, testovacie centrum a distribučno-logistické centrum pre strednú a východnú Európu.
Začiatky spoločnosti siahajú do roku 1991, kedy pôsobila ako predajca vykurovacej techniky v Prahe. Výroba v Skalici bola spustená najprv v spoločnosti Didaktik, odkiaľ bola v roku 1999 presťahovaná do priestorov súčasného závodu. Od roku 2001 sa stala súčasťou nemeckého koncernu Vaillant Group.
Tri slovenské subjekty: Koncern Vaillant Group na Slovensku zamestnáva viac ako 1 800 ľudí. Okrem závodu v Skalici mu patrí aj spoločnosť Vaillant Industrial Slovakia v Trenčianskych Stankovciach, vyrábajúca hydromoduly a rúrky. Predajnou organizáciou pre slovenský trh je spoločnosť Vaillant Group Slovakia, ktorá zabezpečuje i ďalšiu starostlivosť o zákazníka a servis ponúkaných výrobkov.
Koncern Vaillant Group má vyše 140-ročnú históriu a na konte viac ako 2 000 patentov. Je lídrom a priekopníkom v oblasti vykurovacích technológií v Európe. Vo svete má 10 výrobných závodov (osem v Európe, po jednom v Turecku i v Číne) a viac než 12 000 zamestnancov. Vyrába zariadenia značiek Vaillant, Protherm, Saunier Duval, Bulex, AWB, DemirDöküm, Glow-Worm a Hermann.