Condensing boilers
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- zostavy kotol a zásobník
- so vstavaným zásobníkom
- regulácie pre kotly
- odťahy spalín, dymovody
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- aký kondenzačný kotol?
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Condensing boilers are currently the most advanced and modern devices for heating houses, apartments or offices. It is obvious from the word condensing that it is not a classical gas boiler, but a boiler that operates in the so-called condensing mode. It therefore uses the latent waste heat that is also generated during condensation and consumes it a second time in the heating system.
For optimum condensing boiler conditions, the temperature of the heating water must be approximately 50°C. For this reason, the flue gases are at a low temperature. It is recommended to use the condensing boiler in combination with an equithermic control or a classic room thermostat. All condensing boilers regulate their output by modulating the burner or fan. The flue or flue gas outlet must be used with a condensate resistant material, most often plastic.