Glossary, Page 4

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Bergen is a major player in the energy industry and operates in many industries including oil, gas, petrochemical and heating. It is known for developing and manufacturing high-quality products and providing comprehensive solutions to customers…

Bernoulli's equation

Bernoulli's equation is a physical equation that describes the conservation of energy in a flowing fluid or gas medium. The equation is named after the Swiss mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli, who first formulated it. Bernoulli's…


BIASI is an Italian company with a strong presence in the world of heating and water heating. With more than 80 years of activity, BIASI is considered one of the leaders in the field of heating and water heating in Europe. The history of BIASI…


The "Big Blue" brand is associated with water filtration systems, especially with special filters with a larger body diameter. These filters are known for their ability to trap more dirt and particles in the water compared to standard…

Bimetalový termostat

A bimetallic thermostat is a type of thermostat that is used to control temperature in various applications such as heating, cooling, or other thermal processes. This type of thermostat uses the principle of bimetallic plates or rods, which change…


Biogas is a gaseous mixture that results from the anaerobic (without the presence of oxygen) fermentation of organic materials. This fermentation takes place in anaerobic digesters, often also called biogas digesters. Biogas consists of various…


Biomass is organic material that is created from plant or animal material and can be used to produce energy, heat or biofuels. This organic material can include different types of biomass, both plant material and animal waste. Biomass is…

bipolar motor

A bipolar motor is a type of electric motor that has two poles or two coils in the stator part and twice as many discs in the rotor part. Its name "bipolar" comes from the fact that it has two poles that can be polarized positively or…


An example of a Bluetooth device is a wireless headsetIn computer science, Bluetooth is a proprietary open standard for wireless communication connecting two or more electronic devices, such as a mobile phone, PDA, personal computer, or…


The body can be: in geometry: an enclosed and limited region of spacein algebra: a circle in which the non-zero elements also form a group due to the second operation, a field algebrain physics: body (physics)a group of people performing some…


A boiler is a device used to heat and store hot water. It is a tank that is usually insulated to minimize heat loss and is equipped with a heater to increase the temperature of the water in the tank. Water heaters are used in a variety of…


Bosch uses its comprehensive know-how to provide the right solutions, whether in the field of condensing technology, heating systems using solar energy, heat pumps or cogeneration units.     Intelligent and efficient: Bosch's tailor-made…


Brass is an alloy of copper with zinc and possibly other elements with a smaller proportion.     Division of brassDepending on the purpose, brasses are divided into wrought and foundry brasses. According to the number of components,…


In chemistry, the term "brine" can be associated with several different phenomena: Brine as a salt solution: In chemistry, "brine" is used to refer to a solution of salt in a liquid, most commonly water. This can be a pure salt solution or a…


Bronze is an alloy of copper with tin, lead, aluminum and other elements. Because there are more variants, in technical practice the plural is used as a collective name - bronzes. The main ingredient of the alloy is never zinc, then the alloy is…


Like few brands in the world, Buderus can boast a history longer than 280 years. Already in 1731, Johann Wilhelm Buderus founded his foundry near Laubach in Upper Hesse. In the past, Buderus boilers were imported to the Czechoslovak…


Spoločnosť Buderus je významným hráčom v oblasti vykurovania a ohrevu vody so silným zameraním na energetickú účinnosť a udržateľnosť. S dlhoročnou tradíciou, kvalitou a technologickou excelenciou je Buderus dôveryhodnou voľbou pre domácnosti,…


Bus communication is a way of transferring data and information between multiple devices or nodes (for example, computers, sensors, actuators, sensors) in computer systems, automation systems and other similar applications. This kind of…


A butil egyfajta szintetikus gumi, amely a gázokkal, nedvességgel és oxidációval szembeni nagy ellenállásáról ismert. Izobutilén kis mennyiségű izoprén polimerizációjából készül. A butil kiváló tömítő tulajdonságokkal rendelkezik, és különféle…


Calcite is a carbonate mineral that forms the basic component of limestone rocks. It has the chemical formula CaCO3, which means it is composed of calcium, carbon and oxygen. Calcite is one of the most common minerals on the earth's surface and…

Calcium bicarbonate

Calcium bicarbonate, chemical formula HCO₃⁻,Ca²⁺, is a compound that is often referred to as calcium bicarbonate. It is a salt that is formed by a combination of bicarbonate ion (HCO₃⁻) and calcium ion (Ca²⁺). This compound is soluble in…

Calcium carbonate

Calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) is a chemical compound that consists of a calcium cation (Ca²⁺) and a carbonate anion cation (CO₃²⁻). This compound is known as lime scale or limestone. Calcium carbonate is found in nature in various forms, such as…


Calibration is the process of comparing the measurement or values of a device, instrument, or system with reference values that are precisely known or verified, in order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurements or…

Calorific value

Calorific value is a physical property of a fuel or combustible substance that indicates the amount of heat released during the complete combustion of a unit of weight of this fuel. The calorific value is also called the energy value of the…


Canature is a global leader in water solutions and technologies for domestic, commercial and industrial use. It focuses on the development, production and distribution of water filtration, treatment and purification systems. Canature deals in…

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