Glossary, Page 28

1 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

thermal bridge

A thermal bridge, also known as thermal bridge transfer or thermal bridge leakage, is an area in the construction of a building or structure where there is a significant penetration of heat through a material with high thermal conductivity. It…

Thermal cable

Thermal cable is a type of cable that is designed to generate heat when an electric current is passed through it. This cable is usually made of durable materials that can withstand higher temperatures without damage. Thermal cables are used in…

Thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivity is a physical property of a material that indicates its ability to transfer heat. It is the rate at which heat is transferred through a material in response to a temperature gradient, i.e. the temperature difference between…

Thermal efficiency

Thermal efficiency is a term often used in connection with heating and cooling systems and refers to how effectively these systems can maintain the desired temperature in a room or space. The temperature efficiency is expressed as a percentage…

Thermal factor

Thermal factor is a term that is often used in the context of thermal analysis and engineering. This term can have different meanings depending on the specific context in which it is used. Here are some possible meanings of heat…

Thermal output

Thermal output is a physical quantity that indicates the amount of heat that is generated, transferred or consumed per unit of time. It expresses the rate at which thermal energy changes or is transferred. Thermal output is defined as the…

Thermal resistance

Thermal resistance is a physical property of a material that describes its ability to prevent the passage of heat. It is the opposite of heat conduction. The thermal resistance depends on the material, the thickness and the surface through…


Thermia The Swedish company Thermia is a pioneer in the field of geothermal technologies. Since 1973, it has been intensively dedicated to the development and production of heat pumps, and has thus become a world-renowned expert in the field…


A thermomanometer is a device that combines the function of a thermometer (temperature measurement) and a pressure gauge (pressure measurement) in one device. This means that, in addition to displaying the temperature, it also allows you to…


A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature. In the field of heating, thermometers are used to monitor the temperature in various parts of the heating system, such as boilers, radiators, underfloor heating and the like. Heating…


Spoločnosť Thermona, spol. s r.o. patrí medzi popredných výrobcov plynových nástenných kotlov, plynových kondenzačných kotlov a elektrických kotlov. Na poli tepelnej techniky pôsobíme od roku 1990 a po celú dobu…

Thermostatic insert

A thermostatic insert is a component used in radiator heating systems to regulate the temperature in a room. This insert is installed in the radiator and enables automatic adjustment of the temperature radiated from the radiator into the room.…

Thermostatic valve

A thermostatic valve is a device that regulates the flow of hot water to a radiator or other heat exchanger in a central heating system. Its main function is to maintain a constant temperature in the room and adjust the supplied heat according…


An inch is a unit of measurement used to measure length. In most countries, an inch is referred to as an English inch (inch) and is standardized to a value of 2.54 centimeters. This thumb is mainly used in Anglo-Saxon countries such as the United…


TiO2 is the chemical formula for the titanium(IV) oxide compound, often called titanate or titanium oxide. This compound is one of the most important and widely used bleaches and pigments in industry and is widely used in various applications.…


Titanium (lat. titanium) is a chemical element in the Periodic Table of Elements, which has the symbol Ti and proton number 22. It is a light, strong, shiny transition metal with a steel appearance, resistant to corrosion (also in seawater, acids,…


Torque, also known as moment of force or torsional moment, is a physical quantity that describes the tendency of a force to produce rotation or twisting of an object about an axis. It is basically a force acting at a certain distance from the…


A transformer is an electrotechnical device that serves to decrease or increase the alternating voltage between two windings using electromagnetic induction. Its basic principle is the transfer of electrical energy from one circuit to another…


Trihalomethanes are a group of chemical substances that are formed by the reaction of organic compounds with chlorine in the water environment, especially in drinking water and pool water. These substances are known for their potential…


Dýza, slangovo tryska, je zariadenie na ovládanie smeru, alebo charakteristiky toku tekutiny. Dýza je často tvorená len trubkou, alebo nástavcom s premenlivým prierezom. Hlavným účelom dýzy je ovládanie rýchlosti, smeru, hmotnosti, tvaru…

tuhé palivo

Tuhé palivo je palivo v tuhom skupenstve. Technológia tuhých palív Toto odvetvie sa zaoberá: a) premenou chemickej energie nahromadenej v primárnych palivách na tepelnú energiu, b) premenou…


Turbidity is a term used to describe the cloudiness or cloudiness of a liquid or gas due to the presence of suspended particles. It is an optical phenomenon where light is refracted or scattered by these particles, causing reduced light…


Turpentine is a liquid substance obtained by distilling resin from various types of trees. It is a complex mixture of organic compounds that has a characteristic smell and is used in various industries for its properties. Most turpentine is…


TUYA is a Chinese technology company that provides a platform and cloud services for smart devices and the Internet of Things (IoT). Their main goal is to enable manufacturers and developers to quickly and easily create and connect smart…

two-stage filter

A two-stage filter is a type of filtration system that contains two different stages of filtration that gradually remove different impurities from the fluid. This approach to filtration makes it possible to achieve better and more accurate…

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