Glossary, Page 27

1 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z


A switchboard is an electrical device or component that is used to distribute electrical energy in an electrical system. This electrical power distribution can be done in a variety of contexts, including industry, commercial buildings, homes,…

System insulation board

System insulation board is a material used for thermal insulation of buildings and structures. These boards are designed to provide effective thermal insulation and minimize heat loss through walls, roofs, floors and other parts of the…

SZÚ Brno

SZÚ Brno refers to the State Health Institute in Brno, which in translation means the State Health Institute in Brno. It is an important institution in the field of health care and scientific research in the Czech Republic. The State Health…


A pipe tee is a component used to create a "T"-shaped branch or branch from the main pipe. This type of connector allows the flow of liquid or gas from the main pipe to be branched into two secondary pipe branches, which are located at an angle of 90…

Tanks without an exchanger

Tanks without an exchanger are used to store hot water. They are used wherever the heat source is variable, e.g. with wood gasification boilers, or with solar energy, or with heat pumps. Their advantage is that they can "store" heat, and then when…


Tare weight is the weight of packaging, packaging material or additional components that are part of the overall object or goods. It expresses the weight of all impurities that are not part of the object or goods themselves. Tare weight is…


Chemically, Teflon is polytetrafluoroethylene — a polymer of tetrafluoroethene.Polytetrafluoroethylene (abbreviated PTFE; sometimes also Polytetrafluoroethylene) is a polymer of tetrafluoroethylene that was first prepared by chemist Roy J.…


CompanyThe company TECH Controllers was founded in 2004. Since its inception, it has developed dynamically and in a short time has become a leader in the production of electronic equipment for heating, be it solid fuel or other energy sources.…


A technopolymer is a polymer, which is a complex molecular compound made up of long chains of repeating units called monomers. These polymers are used to create various technical or engineering materials that have a wide range of properties and…

temperature class

A temperature class is a designation that determines the maximum temperature at which an electrical device, appliance or component can be safely used without risk of damage or fire hazard. The temperature class is especially important for…

Temperature gradient

Temperature gradient is a physical quantity that describes the change in temperature with respect to the change in distance or position in a given space. It is expressed as a change in temperature per unit change in distance. Temperature…


Voltage is a physical quantity that describes the electrical potential or electrical potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit. It is a measure of electrical force or energy per unit charge. Voltage is measured in units…

Tepelný výmenník

Výmenník tepla či teplý výmenník je zariadenie slúžiace na výmenu energie medzi sústavami a objekty majúcimi rôzne parametre. Výmenníkové stanice sú súčasťou areálov tovární či sídlisk. Zaisťujú distribúciu tepla pre vykurovanie jednotlivých…


Teplota (v sústave SI aj termodynamická teplota) je stavová veličina opisujúca strednú kinetickú energiu častíc. Nultý zákon termodynamiky opisuje teplotu ako veličinu, ktorá má v každom mieste izolovanej sústavy v…


A terminal is a component used to connect an electrical wire or connection to an electrical device or circuit. The main function of the terminal is to enable connection between conductors and equipment or between different conductors. A…

terminal block

A terminal block is an electrical accessory used to connect electrical wires, cables, or other electrical components. It is a device that allows the connection or disconnection of electrical connections, which simplifies the installation and…


Termopatrona je elektrický zariadenie, ktoré sa používa na meranie a reguláciu teploty v rôznych aplikáciách. Je to typ teplotného snímača, ktorý mení elektrický odpor v závislosti na teplote okolia. The thermocouple is made of thermosensical…


Termostat je zariadenie, ktoré reguluje teplotu vo vnútri miestnosti. Izbový termostat ponúka možnosť regulácie vykurovacieho alebo chladiaceho systému podľa potrieb užívateľa. Termostat môže mať až 9 rôznych nastavených…


Termostaty sú dôležitými zariadeniami v systémoch vykurovania, ktoré umožňujú reguláciu teploty v miestnostiach.  S ich správnym použitím môžete dosiahnuť energetickú efektívnosť, pohodlie a úsporu nákladov na vykurovanie. Riadia vykurovací…


  TESY - the latest technologies and patented solutions for the highest European quality, savings and product safetyTESY is a major manufacturer and supplier of water heating appliances based in Bulgaria. The company is known for its…

The BNC connector

The BNC (Bayonet Neill-Concelman) connector is a type of connector used to connect cables for high-frequency signal transmission, especially in the field of electronics, telecommunications and video processing. It is a very common connector…

The linear modulus of elasticity

The linear modulus of elasticity, often referred to as G, (modulus of elasticity in shear / modulus of elasticity in shear) is another of the main elastic moduli used to characterize the mechanical properties of solid materials. This module…

The term "Twin Master-Slave"

The term "Twin Master-Slave" does not seem to be a standard term in the technological and engineering context. However, it can refer to a system in which two devices (twin) are arranged as Master and Slave in a communication or control…

The well

A well is a device used to obtain underground water. Wells in the past and still today constitute an important source of water. Experts say that owning a well is really worth it in most cases, if only to draw water from it to water the…


Thermals is a branch of physics that deals with the study of heat, temperature and thermal processes. It investigates the transfer of heat between bodies, the behavior of substances during temperature changes and their thermal…

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