Glossary, Page 2

1 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Active cooling

Active cooling is a method of removing heat from various devices and systems using active components such as fans, pumps or compressors. These components supply external power to increase the flow of the cooling medium, ensuring efficient heat…


An actuator is a mechanical or electrical device that changes a signal or energy input into a physical movement, action, or effect. Its main purpose is to convert a control signal into a physical action or change in a certain system. Actuators…


ELECTRONICS   In electronics, the term "adapter" is used to refer to a device or component that is used to convert, connect, or adapt one type of connector, interface, or voltage to another. Its main function is to enable compatibility…


An aerator is a small attachment placed at the end of the outlet opening of a water fitting, such as sink faucets, shower heads or faucets. Its main function is to mix the stream of water with air and thus create the so-called "pearl" effect.…

Air conditioning

Air conditioning (denoted by the abbreviation AC from the English air conditioning) is the modification of the quality parameters of the air in closed spaces or a device (a system of devices) for such modification and distribution of such modified…

Air conditioning without an outdoor unit

Air conditioning without an outdoor unit is referred to as "outdoor air conditioning" or "monobloc air conditioning". This type of air conditioning system has all the necessary components for cooling or heating built into one unit located…

Air tightness

Air tightness is the property or ability of a material, structure or system to minimize the penetration of air through unwanted gaps, cracks or fissures. It is an important factor in construction and the energy efficiency of buildings, as…


AISI stands for "American Iron and Steel Institute", which means the American Iron and Steel Institute. It is the group that created the marking system for steel alloys. This system is widely used to identify and classify different types of…


In the context of thermostats, the abbreviation "ALC" stands for Automatic Limit Cooling. ALC is a function or mode present on some thermostats that provides indoor cooling or air conditioning control. This function allows the user to set the…


Alexa (Amazon Alexa) is a voice assistant and artificial intelligence developed by Amazon. It is able to recognize and respond to the user's voice commands and questions, thus enabling the control of various devices and services by voice. Alexa…


Algorithms are sequences of precisely defined steps or instructions that serve to solve a certain problem or task. They are abstract concepts that are used in mathematics, computer science and engineering, but also in various other…

Alkaline batteries

Alkaline batteries are a type of primary (non-controllable) electrochemical battery often used in consumer electronic devices. These batteries are named after the electrolyte they contain - alkaline hydroxide. The most common type of alkaline…


Steel alloying is the process of adding certain alloying elements to a base steel alloy to change or improve its properties. Alloying is a common technique in metallurgy that makes it possible to achieve the desired mechanical, physical,…


ALP thermostat is a term that refers to the regulation of heating and cooling in buildings. The abbreviation "ALP" stands for "Automatic Potential Limitation". This thermostat ensures the regulation of the temperature in the interior so that the set…


Alpex is a trade mark used to denote a system for hot and cold water distribution, heating and underfloor heating in buildings. The Alpex system is known for its reliability, durability and easy installation, which makes it popular in several…


Aluminum (lat. aluminum) is a chemical element in the Periodic Table of Elements that has the symbol Al and the proton number 13. It is a low-density metal. Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust (8.13%). Only oxygen 46.60%…

Aluminum alloy

Aluminum alloy is a material created from a combination of aluminum with other metals or elements. Aluminum itself is a very light metal with excellent physical properties such as high strength, good corrosion resistance and excellent thermal and…


Ampér (symbol A) je jednotkou SI pre elektrický prúd a je jednou zo siedmich základných jednotiek SI. Bol pomenovaný po André-Marie Ampèrovi ( 1775 - 1836), francúzskom matematikovi a fyzikovi,…


The ampere (symbol A) is the SI unit for electric current and is one of the seven base SI units. It was named after André-Marie Ampèr (1775 - 1836), a French mathematician and physicist who we consider the father of electrodynamics.The ampere is…

an electronic solar pump

An electronic solar pump is a device used in solar thermal systems to circulate a heat transfer medium (often a mixture of water and antifreeze) between solar collectors and a hot water tank or heating system. Compared to conventional pumps,…

An indoor unit

An indoor unit in an air conditioning system is a component that sits inside the room you want to cool or heat. It is one of the two main components of a split air conditioner, which is used for direct contact with the indoor air and allows…


In computer science and electronics, the term "analog" is used to describe systems that work with continuous values. For example, analog signals are signals that change continuously in time and can take on different values within a certain range. In…


Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is an open operating system that is available for a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, televisions, smart watches, and other smart devices. Android is known for…

anhydride mixture

An anhydride mixture is a mixture composed of anhydride compounds, which are chemical compounds without water molecules. Anhydrides can be organic or inorganic, and occur as solids or gases. In the construction industry, anhydride mixtures are…


Anión je iont s negatívnym elektrickým nábojom, čo znamená, že má viac elektrónov ako protonov vo svojom jadre. Anióny vznikajú pridaním jedného alebo viacerých elektrónov k stabilnému neutrálnemu atómu. Týmto spôsobom sa dosiahne, že náboj…

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