IVAR CS : komponenty pro vodu, vytápění a plyn


IVAR CS spol. Ltd. was founded in 1992, as a business company with a total of 5 employees and an area of 3,500 m2. In the course of the past 31 years, this small business has become a modern, dynamic company that significantly influences the sale of installation technology in the Czech and Slovak Republics. He acts as a representative of the commercial and technical representation of a number of European companies operating in the field of water, heating, gas, water filtration and treatment, pumping technology, solar systems, heat pumps, storage tanks, fan coils, air conditioning and recuperation.

The warehouse area with a total area of 26,000 m2, as well as the company headquarters, is located in Podhořany near Kralup nad Vltavou. Temperate storage halls with a total area of 5,100 m2 guarantee above-standard stock and immediate availability of products.



Our primary goal is customer satisfaction, which we try to achieve by providing a professional approach, whether in the field of technical consulting or services.
The high quality of the products supplied by us is a matter of course. We make sure that they meet even the most demanding requirements of the international standard ISO 9001, European standards and Act No. 22/97 Coll. on technical requirements for products.

IVAR CS spol. Ltd. is involved in the EKO-KOM combined fulfillment system under client number: EK-F06020667.


IVAR CS spol. Ltd. ensures, in cooperation with the ASEKOL collective system, the ecological disposal of electrical equipment, and is a collection point ensuring the return of waste electrical equipment at the address of the company's headquarters.