
Calcite is a carbonate mineral that forms the basic component of limestone rocks. It has the chemical formula CaCO3, which means it is composed of calcium, carbon and oxygen. Calcite is one of the most common minerals on the earth's surface and is part of many geological formations.

Characteristic properties of calcite:

Calcite has a crystalline structure and can occur in a variety of crystal shapes and sizes.
It is often colored white, gray-black, red or green, while color variations are caused by the presence of various impurities.
Calcite has a strong acid reaction with acids, for example with strong acids such as hydrochloric acid (HCl), it reacts in a bubbling reaction, causing it to dissolve.
Use of calcite:

Building material: Calcite is used as a basic component of limestone and marble rocks, which are used in construction for the production of tiles, paving, sculptures and other decorative elements.
Lime production: Calcite is burned along with other limestone rocks in the production of lime, which is an important raw material for building materials.
Stone and Sculptural Work: Calcite is popular with sculptors and stonemasons because of its relative softness, which allows for easy working and shaping.
Cement production: Calcite is used together with clay and other raw materials in the production of cement.
Optics and Sciences: Calcite is used in optics to make polarizing lenses and other optical components. It is also important in mineralogy and geology as an indicator of various processes in the earth's surface.
Calcite is an important mineral with many uses, and its properties make it interesting not only for practical, but also for scientific and aesthetic purposes.


Calcite can have a significant effect on the formation of deposits in pipes. In the context of plumbing systems, we often encounter a problem called "scaling" or "limestone", which are deposits that form when water containing minerals such as calcium and calcium carbonate (which is the main component of calcite) dries out or is heating up. These minerals are released from the water and settle on the inner wall of pipes and equipment.

The formation of calcite deposits in pipes can have several undesirable effects:

Reduced water flow: Calcite deposits can narrow the diameter of the pipe and thus slow down the water flow. This can lead to reduced system efficiency and insufficient water supply.

Impaired thermal conductivity: Deposits in pipes can impair thermal conductivity, affecting the efficiency of the heating system or water heaters.

Corrosion: If deposits accumulate in areas where oxygen is present, they can create a corrosive environment and contribute to pipe damage.

Therefore, water installations are often equipped with protective devices such as filters, soft water treatments or other preventive measures that try to minimize the formation of deposits in pipes and equipment. Regular maintenance and pipe cleaning are also important to minimize problems associated with calcite deposits.

Vytvořil Shoptet | Design