
Like few brands in the world, Buderus can boast a history longer than 280 years. Already in 1731, Johann Wilhelm Buderus founded his foundry near Laubach in Upper Hesse.

In the past, Buderus boilers were imported to the Czechoslovak Republic through foreign trade companies, so in many important buildings, such as the Prague Congress Center or the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bratislava, these boilers provide reliable heating and water heating. Boilers of lower output in family houses, which have been working for more than 25 years, are no exception.

Further development of the company, which ultimately brings higher customer satisfaction, is supported by the fact that Buderus became part of the Bosch concern in 2004.

Buderus, as a system expert, offers complex heating system solutions for apartments, family houses, as well as medium and large buildings on the Slovak market. The offer includes heating devices for natural gas, propane, but also devices using renewable energy sources. As a supplier of complete heating systems, Buderus offers storage hot water heaters, heating elements and controls for every type of system. For the customer, this means that he will receive a complete system from one supplier.

Currently, the Buderus brand is focusing on new advanced solutions that increasingly apply technologies using renewable energy sources. Economy, economy and ecological consequences of using heat pumps or a combination of solar panels and a condensing gas boiler are nowadays a very interesting option in new buildings and also in the reconstruction of older buildings.

All offered products meet the most modern ecological requirements and are designed with the most economical operation in mind. Responsible planning and implementation of heating requires an equally responsible supplier: Robert Bosch, spol. s r.o., Termotechnika Division - Buderus is the right one.