Bending radius

Bending radius is a physical quantity that determines the curvature or curve that an object can move through without deformation or damage. In the context of geometry and engineering, the bend radius is the radius of the circle that best describes the curve along which an object or material moves.

In applications across industries such as construction, architecture, manufacturing and engineering, the bend radius plays a key role in the design and construction of materials and components that must be bent without warping or cracking. It is also important when establishing circular curves or arches, for example in the construction of bridges, port structures or in the creation of design elements.

The bending radius is determined by the straightness or curvature of the surface through which the object moves. The larger the bend radius, the less curved the movement of the object, which means that the material can be bent to a smaller angle without deformation. Conversely, a smaller bend radius requires more flexibility in the material and may cause deformation or cracking if the material is not elastic and flexible enough.

Correct selection of the bend radius is critical to the successful processing of materials and structural projects in order to maintain their strength and integrity. It is also necessary to take into account the properties of the material, such as its strength, elasticity and plasticity, in order to minimize the possibility of deformation and cracking.

Vytvořil Shoptet | Design