3 591,60 € –15 %
Bosch Condens GC8700iW 30 P + WD 160 B + CT 200

Bosch Condens GC8700iW 30 P + WD 160 B + CT 200

Code: 8730850120
Brand: BOSCH
3 591,60 € –15 % 3 052,86 € / pcs
1 týždeň

Detailed information

Product detailed description

BOSH 8700iW 30 WD160 CT 200
- Condens GC8700iW 30 P hung condensing boiler with storage tank connection
- WD 160 B - hot water storage tank, capacity: 149 l
- Easycontrol CT 200 - intelligent touch controller
- mounting plate
-hung condensing boiler with Bosch external storage tank connection
3.2 - 31.1 kW
Consistently effective
Saving energy can be that simple: the boiler automatically adjusts its output between 10 and 100% to suit your home's current heat demand. This makes it work efficiently even when you don't need its total output.
High quality
Bosch's high quality is represented by the boiler's impeccable workmanship and technical equipment, which includes both time-tested components and new modern features.
Easy operation
Operation of the boiler is very intuitive. All parameter settings can be made using the colour display with touch control. In conjunction with the intelligent CT200 control, you can control the Condens 8700i W boiler via the EasyControl app on your smartphone and tablet.
Quick and easy maintenance
Condens 8700i W guarantees savings on all plumbing tasks. Access to technical components is simple and quick thanks to the removable boiler side cladding. The boiler front cover can be removed by loosening a single screw.
Boiler features
▶ high efficiency due to wide modulation range 1:10
▶ fascinating design in white and black with colour touch screen control
▶ easy wireless interfacing with the intelligent CT200 controller using the Control Key /controller and module not included with boiler, can be retrofitted/
▶ water preparation in an external indirect heating tank
adapter for connection of the flue gas extraction is included in the boiler delivery

Dimensions and connections

1 - Horizontal flue accessories
2- Cover
3- Spacing of the top edge of the boiler from the centerline of the horizontal flue pipe
B- Clearance of the top edge of the boiler from the ceiling
K- Diameter of opening
S- Wall thickness
Technical data
Front design colour: white
Max. 31.1 kW
Min. rated thermal output (50/30° C): 3,2 kW
ErP15 sound power level: 52.8 dB (A)
Seasonally dependent heating efficiency
spaces according to ErP15: 94%
Energy efficiency class: A
Expansion vessel: 10.0 l
High efficiency pump EEI ≤ 0.23: integrated
Switching valve: integrated
Dimensions and weight
Height: 780 mm
Width: 440 mm
Depth: 365 mm
Net weight: 47 kg
- hot water tank
- volume: 149 l
- color: white
  • design: stationary, square
  • with a usable volume of 149 l
  • suitable for combination with wall hung condensing boiler
  • possibility to draw hot water from several places at the same time
  • easy installation and economical operation
  • possibility to connect the circulation circuit directly from the tank body (bacteriologically clean water)
  • insulation produced without the use of fluorinated and chlorinated hydrocarbons
  • high corrosion resistance
  • enamelled surface and built-in protective anodes ensuring environmental requirements are met and high durability is achieved
Technical data
Colour: white
Useable volume: 149 l
Heating insert output: 25.1 kW
Hot water 45 °C capacity: 590 l/hr
Heating water volume: 4.4 l
Heating area: 0.63 m2
Max. 10.0 bar
Energy efficiency class: B
Dimensions and weight
Height: 929 mm
Width: 500 mm
Depth: 585 mm
Net weight: 60 kg

BOSCH EASYCONTROL CT 200 - intelligent touch controller

  • Intelligent controller for 1 heating circuit and hot water preparation
  • Possibility to set important functions directly on the touch screen, complete settings using the EasyControl app(for iOS, Android)
  • Individual temperature adjustment in individual rooms using intelligent thermostatic heads
  • Presence detection via GPS
  • The controller cannot be combined with other controllers, e.g. CW 400
  • colour: white
The EasyControl controller represents a revolution. The smart controller with app allows you to easily control the heating in any room, providing maximum comfort whenever and wherever you want.
Presence detection
EasyControl registers when you are home and automatically adjusts the heating to your daily activities. Without you having to do anything. This way the heating is only on when you actually need it. Saving energy can be that simple!
Individual room control
21°C in the living room, 24°C in the bathroom and 18°C in the bedroom - with EasyControl you can control them effortlessly. Simply enter the desired temperature for each room and that's it. The only additional technology required is the Bosch Smart Radiator Thermostat (Smart TRV).
Regulation of individual rooms for underfloor heating is not yet supported.
Easily control your water heating
EasyControl not only saves you money on heating costs, but also on hot water heating costs.
Provides three options:
  • On: hot water is available at any time
  • Automatic: water is heated according to a timed program
  • Off: the hot water function is switched off
Easily modulates
EasyControl supports burner modulation - ensuring the highest possible efficiency and increasing the life of the heating unit.
Easy installation
EasyControl no wall mounting required. Simply use the table stand. You can place the EasyControl intelligent controller exactly where you want it. All you have to do is connect the table stand to the socket and insert the appropriate key into the corresponding slot on the heater. Now the EasyControl controller can control your heating system.
Easily exceptional
Slim attractive design, glass surface with touch screen available in white and black fabre makes the EasyControl controller a stylish addition to any home.
The EasyControl controller will convince you not only with its attractive design, but also with its ability to save energy and heating costs. By winning the Safety and Energy Efficiency Award 2019, our product confirms its contribution to environmental sustainability.
Easy to use
The EasyControl app, with which you can operate the controller effortlessly, is self-explanatory.
You'll be able to navigate it and recognize the functions in no time: never before has the operation of your
heating is so easy. And it doesn't matter if you're at home or on the road.
The EasyControl controller communicates with you not only through the app, but also with its backlight. As soon as you send an instruction to the heating system to increase the temperature, it lights up orange for one second, or vice versa to blue if you decrease the temperature. If you leave home, the backlight will turn green to indicate that the heating has automatically switched to "out of home" mode. A red backlight indicates a failure in the heating system. If everything is working as it should, the backlight remains off.

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Už viac ako 125 rokov zásobujeme trh s účinnými, ľahko ovládateľnými a zároveň spoľahlivými zariadeniami, ktoré ľuďom vytvárajú teplé a útulné domovy. Bosch Termotechnika dnes svojim zákazníkom celosvetovo ponúka riešenia pre klímu priestorov, teplú vodu a decentralizovaný manažment energie.

Od roku 1932 sú značky Junkers a Bosch spojené silným partnerstvom. Zlúčenie umožnilo spojenie tradičnej remeselnej práce s najmodernejšou technológiou. Pod značkou Bosch sa dnes koncentrujeme na budúcnosť s inteligentnou technológiou budov, v ktorej hrá tepelná technika významnú úlohu.

Tradičná značka Junkers ale naďalej pokračuje, keďže história, tradícia a skúsenosti sú s dielmi Junkers naďalej zabudované do každého produktu so značkou Bosch. Junkers pre nás znamená viac ako 120 rokov osvedčenú techniku a najvyššiu kvalitu; tejto značke sme s hrdosťou vytvorili pamätník s vlastným múzeom. Pri podniku vo Wernau prezentujeme pokračovanie histórie a životného diela zakladateľa Huga Junkersa

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Naše hodnoty — na čom staviame

V našich hodnotách sa odráža spôsob, akým podnikáme: Naša profesionálna etika v jednaní s našimi obchodnými partnermi, investormi, zamestnancami a spoločnosťou.

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Sústredíme sa na výsledky. To nám umožnuje zaistiť našu budúcnost a súčasne
vytvára solídny základ pre spoločensky prospešné projekty našej firmy a Nadácie
Roberta Boscha.

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