Elektrická špirála 2 kW ku zásobníkom OKC

Kód: 801010
119,76 € / ks
Skladom (9 ks)

Detailné informácie

Podrobný popis

Elektrická špirála 2 kW ku zásobníkom OKC

  • pripojenie: 6/4" (1 1/2")
  • celková dĺžka špirály: 46 cm

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: príslušenstvo
Záruka: 2 roky
Hmotnosť: 2 kg

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J Avatar autora 27.12.2021 14:50
Existuju aj vykonejšie špiraly? Dakujem
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 14:50
Dobrý deň, žiaľ toto Vám neviem potvrdiť. U nás sú dostupné len tie ktoré máme v ponuke na stránke. Pekný deň.
J Avatar autora 27.12.2021 14:51
Dobry deň.Je tato spirala vhodna do nerezoveho bojlera. ďakujem.
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 14:51
Dobry den.kupil som od vas hewelax 2s a potreboval by som dotoho el.spiralu.kde to mozem objednat.
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 14:51
Dobrý deň. Dostupnú máme túto https://www.atria.sk/el-spirala-ku-zasobnikom-kompakt-a-vf-2kw/.Objednáť možno cez eshop, vložením do košíka. Prajem pekný deň.
I Avatar autora 27.12.2021 14:51
Dobrý den,chcem sa spýtat či je táto špirála nerezová.Ďakujem za odpoveď.
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 14:56
Dobrý deň. Áno, myslím že špirála je nerezová. Pekný deň.
P Avatar autora 27.12.2021 14:56
Mate k tejto spirale aj antikorovu vsuvku so 6/4 zvitom vnutornym?
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:00
Dobrý deň, všetko potrebné s takými rozmermi by ste mali nájsť tu : https://www.atria.sk/vykurovacia-technika/kurenie-profesionalne/mosadzne-zavitove-fitingy/ Pekný deň.
R Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:00
dobry den kupil som uvas spiralu 6/4 2kw a chcem sa opytat aky rozsah teploty ma termostat lebo mi vodu hreje len na nejakych 60-65 a prestala mi svietit led dioda,ale spirala funguje tak to neriesim
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:00
Dobrý deň, teplota sa neurčuje, lebo napríklad 200l vykúri na viac ako 500l. Pekný deň.
R Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:00
ale myslel som rozsah termostatu,niekde to maju uvedene napriklad od 25-75 stupnov
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:00
Ono je to ťažko povedať, preto sa to neuvádza - závisí to od množstva vody. Totiž nieje možné aby ohriala na určité stupne rôzne veľké zásobníky.
R Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:01
super funguje ako ma,zalozena do aku nadrze 800 l hreje pomensie ale vyhreje spokojnost
K Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:01
Dobrý deň pán Dian, Mám záujem o elektrickú špirálu 2 kW, zapojenie na jednu fázu, 1*230 V s termostatom. Chcem ju namontovať do akumulačnej nádoby, závit je 6/4". Môžete mi poradiť akú zvoliť? Potrebujem ju napojiť na fotovoltaiku /prebytky zo siete/. Ďakujem vopred a zostávam s pozdravom,
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:01
Dobrý deň. V ponuke máme túto elektrickú špirálu ( https://www.atria.sk/el-spirala-ku-zasobnikom-kompakt-a-vf-2kw/) , ktorá je skladom. Prajem pekný deň.
L Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:01
Dobry den, prosim o info, ci ma El. špirála ku zásobníkom kompakt a VF, 2kW v sebe termostat. Dakujem
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:01
Dobrý deň. Áno, i táto špirála ma termostat. Vidíte to i na obrázku. Pekný deň
M Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:02
Dobry den, tak ako sme spolu telefonicky hovorili, poprosim Vas o: - poslat fotku ako v skutocnosti vyzera - ci ma v sebe termostat na nastavenie teploty, - ake je pripojenie /zavit/ - dlzka od zavitu po koniec spiraly - ci sa jedna o spiralu Drazice TJ 6/4" - 2 Katalógové číslo: 801010 https://www.atria.sk/el-spirala-ku-zasobnikom-kompakt-a-vf-2kw/#popis S pozdravom
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:02
Dobrý deň, odfotil som špirálu a aktualizoval na https://www.atria.sk/el-spirala-ku-zasobnikom-kompakt-a-vf-2kw/ . - špirála samozrejme obsahuje termostat - závit je 6/4" - dĺžka špirály: 37 cm (38,5 cm vrátane závitu) - celková dĺžka špirály: 46 cm. Pekný deň
Z Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:02
Zdravim, aka je dlzka tej spiraly ??
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:02
Dobrý deň. Dlžka špirály je 37cm. Pekný deň.
R Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:02
Dobrý den, Chci se informovat zda jde do zásobníku VF-3002S dodatečně domontovat topná spirála. Pokud ano tak bych poprosil o tech. specifikaci, cenu a co je vše k tomu potřeba. Předem děkuji. S pozdravem a přáním hezkého dne
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:03
Dobrý den, je to možný. Na následujícím linku lze najít tuhle spirálu. https://www.atria.sk/el-spirala-ku-zasobnikom-kompakt-a-vf-2kw/
R Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:03
Dobrý den, Děkuji za info. Jakým způsobem se spirála do zásobníku instaluje? Je na tomto zásobníku ještě rezervní příruba, nebo musí proběhnout nějaké úpravy? Minulý týden jsme tohle řešily u jiného výrobce a ten má místo příruby přes kterou dochází k čištění zásobníku Přírubu již s návarkem na uchcycení topné tyče. Předem děkuji.
A Avatar autora 27.12.2021 15:04
Dobrý den, tyč by se měla jen zašroubovat, víc nevím.
L Avatar autora 5.9.2022 19:57
DObrý deň, Potrebujem vedieť technickú informáciu o produkte https://www.atria.sk/elektricka-spirala-2-kw-ku-zasobnikom-okc/ Aká je max. pracovná teplota? Ďakujem
A Avatar autora 5.9.2022 19:57
Dobrý deň, mrzí ma to, ale neviem Vám povedať maximálnu pracovnú teplotu. Pekný deň.

Hewalex has over 30 years of experience – from vision to leading manufacturer.


What distinguishes our company is the innovative production technology as well as care for the highest quality and efficiency of products in our offer. We continually improve our products to meet the high expectations of our Customers.


HEWALEX for many years has been holding the leading position among global producers and providers of Renewables. It specifically refers to the production of flat plate solar collectors, whose production, in the early 90s, brought dynamic development of the company.



Solar energy - highest efficiencyenvironmental protectionlowest costshighest efficiency

Solar energy is the fuel that powers our appliances and source of our technological development from the very beginning. Solar energy enables solar collectors to deliver cheap and clean heat, and photovoltaic modules to produce electricity. Heat pumps operate using the heat which surrounds us everywhere we are.

30 years of continous development – from vision to a leading manufacturer

Hewalex was established 30 years ago, long before the renewable energies` market started to develop in Poland. We had a vision that in the future the traditional fuel should be changed to clean, renewable energy – both for economic reasons and to protect the environment. From the very beginning, our priority was to produce high quality and high efficiency solar thermal collectors, which have first been sent to foreign, Western European markets. Nowadays we have our specialized staff of almost 200 qualified people and the experience we gained over the years. We participate in various, innovative investments as well as contribute to international R&D projects related to, for example, solar cooling of buildings.

A leading Polish manufacturer with a strong position on European markets

Hewalex is a leader in Poland in terms of sales of solar thermal collectors, as well as solar equipment and heat pumps. According to IEO report (Institute for Renewable Energy, which monitors Polish solar energy market), Hewalex ranks first in sales of solar thermal collectors. Our products are present and well known in most European countries, with a significant market share in some of them.

Innovative production technologies

First solar collectors in Poland were produced in the late 80s and early 90s, as non-series production. Development of technology and growing market needs brought innovation and advanced production technologies. In Hewalex we adopt those technologies as well as create our own methods and machinery. Our company was the first in Poland to introduce ultrasonic welding as well as laser welding.

Nowoczesne technologie produkcji

Our offer at the beginning of the 1990s – solar thermal collectors and solar systems

Oferta firmy Hewalex

Our current offer

Our offer includes: flat plate solar thermal collectors, vacuum tube solar thermal collectors, water heaters for hot domestic water, universal heaters (type „combo”) for central heating support, pumping groups, controllers, monitoring systems, mounting kits for solar collectors, fittings and other solar equipment. Moreover we offer heat pumps suitable for heating hot domestic water as well as for heating buildings.

Hewalex - our offer

Innovative and R&D projects


We have long experience in designing and production of systems and appliances based on solar energy. We participate in R&D projects such as SunCool, which uses solar thermal collectors for cooling. Such system was installed in an industrial facility in Karlstad, Sweden. 130 solar collectors with nominal cooling power of 40kW are characterized by high COP efficiency equal 10,6, which means that 1kW of electricity produces 10,6 kW of cool. First year of operation shows that growth of efficiency is possible. The collectors created in the project are combination of flat plate and vacuum tube solar collectors, which use the features of lithium bromide in the process of cooling. The collectors as well as complete laboratory platforms were produced in our facility, in Czechowice-Dziedzice.

Innowacje i projekty badawczo-rozwojowe

More than 150.000 systems installed in Poland and abroad

Over the years our products have been installed in various buildings: small houses, large apartment buildings as well as offices, hotels, industrial facilities, schools and universities, sports halls, swimming pools and many others. Solar thermal systems and heat pumps are used in small and large heating systems.

Hewalex - realizacje

A few facts about us:

  • 30 years of experience
  • Solar collectors and solar equipment manufacturer with the longest history in Poland
  • Leading manufacturer of solar thermal collectors and heat pumps
  • High technical standards of products confirmed by presence in over 40 European markets
  • R&D and design facilities, suitable also for individual projects
  • Participation in GREENEVO project, which supports Polish, innovative businesses in foreign markets
  • Participation in international R&D projects
  • Cooperation and partnership with many recognized construction companies as well as designers and trading companies
  • Customer care service and good warranty conditions
  • Quality Management System ISO 9001
  • Audits according to national standards: e.g. French or Northern American


Vytvořil Shoptet | Design Shoptetak.cz.